The Benefits of Good Credit
Having a good credit history shows that you reliably repay borrowed money. That is reassuring to many lenders you will encounter in the future and makes you a more desirable customer. Here are a few ways good credit can give you a leg up and even save you money.
What to Consider When Getting your First Job
05/31/2023When you get your first job, it’s a big and exciting milestone! No matter what type of job you have or are interested in getting in the near future, it’s important to make sure you’re practicing healthy financial budgeting.
Best Practices for Business Fraud Prevention and Being a Scam-Savvy Consumer
03/23/2023The age of communication and information overload has brought with it a stealth and significant risk: a seemingly endless supply of phishing, fraud and scams. We’ve all gotten – and hopefully ignored or reported – emails about an unexpected inheritance or robotic phone messages about an extended car warranty. But, when it comes to operating a business, the stakes can be even higher.
Understanding Adjustable Rate Mortgages: The Right Choice for You?
08/24/2022Those who have a fixed rate mortgage know their interest rate is set for the duration of their mortgage. It might feel safer because it is predictable and won’t change. On the flip side, the words “adjustable rate mortgage” carry with them some level of uncertainty.
Meet with us Virtually
03/31/2022Virtual Appointments let you connect with us from your home, office, or anywhere using your camera-enabled phone, tablet, or computer. Simply select "Virtual" when you schedule an appointment.
What Factors Can Help Increase Your Property Value?
07/26/2021For most people, their home is their largest financial investment and asset. Ideally – over time and with every mortgage payment made – the value you have in your home increases, which should translate to increased potential for profit when it comes time to sell. Despite inevitable economic ups and downs, it’s important to take the long view when considering your home’s eventual profit potential.
HELOC: Benefits and Financial Flexibility for Homeowners
07/22/2021No matter if the need to access funds is for fun or out of necessity, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) is one of the most common and easiest ways to convert your home’s value into cash. By establishing a HELOC now, you’re prepared and ready to leverage your equity.
Payment Processing Solutions Made Simple for Business
07/22/2021North Shore Bank can help guide businesses to the most secure and efficient solutions for accepting payments – whether from other vendors or from customers – for businesses of all shapes and sizes. What follows is a quick overview of online options and cashless considerations for businesses.
Beginning Investing
05/06/2021As logical as it might seem to look for the perfect stock or bond and make it your investment of choice, that’s not the best approach to meeting your financial goals.
Managing Debt
05/06/2021Even if you're financially responsible, life's unpredictable nature can sometimes catch you off guard, making it dangerously easy to fall into debt.
Saving for Emergencies
05/06/2021When emergencies and unexpected situations strike, it’s important to be prepared and make wise decisions.
Budgeting Made Simple: The 50/30/20 Rule
05/06/2021Your budget is a way to stick to your saving goals. If you have a partner, having one household budget is essential for having a good sense of where you stand financially together.
Life Insurance and Wills
05/06/2021Life insurance and wills aren’t things people like to talk about. After all, planning for the financial impact of your death isn't an easy thing to do—but it's essential.
Retirement and 401ks
05/06/2021Even if you’re just starting your first real job—actually, especially if you’re just starting your first real job—it’s time to start thinking about retirement.
Health Insurance
05/06/2021One of your biggest financial risks is confronting unexpected expenses that your family can’t afford, no matter how careful you are with your money.
Teaching Children about Money
05/05/2021One of the most important things you can teach your children is how to manage money and invest for the future.
Talking to your Partner about Money
05/04/2021When it comes to talking with a spouse or partner about money, many people shy away. It can be scary — but it doesn’t have to be.
Buying a Home
12/15/2020Start by defining your goals. Consider where you want to live, the features you're looking for, what you can afford, and a realistic date for having the money you'll need. Then apply your knowledge to making this key decision.
Reasons to Refinance Your Auto
12/15/2020Refinancing can be beneficial if everything lines up in your favor. What can you get out of it? The list is long and exciting for someone stuck with loan payments that they aren’t happy with.
What a Car Loan Costs
12/15/2020When shopping for a car, it's usually best to start by shopping for a car loan. When you’re shopping for a car loan, remember that what it costs you to borrow depends on three things...
Teaching Kids to Save
04/17/2020Everyday spending habits can have far more impact on our financial future than any single investment decision we may make. The earlier we can teach children about earning interest versus paying it, the better prepared they will be to manage their own finances.
Piggy Bank Lessons
04/15/2020Here are a few fun and useful lessons about money for our little savers. There’s a message in each of these old sayings.
Raising Money-Smart Kids
04/15/2020Teaching kids to save is important. But what should kids learn at each age? Here’s a chart to help you talk to your kids about money, introducing the right topics at the right age.
Is Now the Right Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?
01/02/2020A refinanced loan can yield lower interest rates, fund a future endeavor, help with debt consolidation or shave off some years on your financial commitment. There are costs involved with refinancing, so it is a decision to make after doing the proper diligence.
Why Every Homeowner Needs a HELOC
12/19/2019If there’s one thing of which homeowners can be sure, it’s that owning a home comes with unexpected expenses – and that those expenses often come up at the most inopportune times. A roof leaks, a water heater blows or the furnace fails on the coldest day of the year … or just in advance of when the in-laws are expected to arrive.
Podcast: Planning for Your Mortgage
03/13/2019If you're a first-time homebuyer, you might have a number of questions regarding the home lending process. Here to help you plan for your mortgage is Susan Liedel, one of our Mortgage Loan Professionals.
7 Ways to Make Your Tax Refund Count
02/25/2019As many Americans receive their refunds this year, the American Bankers Association has highlighted seven tips to help them use the money wisely.
Capping Off a Great Green Bay Gamblers Hat Night
02/07/2019North Shore Bank employees and their families helped at the Green Bay Gamblers Hat Night on February 1, handing out free headwear to the first 1,000 people through the gates for the hockey game.
3 Steps To Position Your Product in the Proper Market Context
02/06/2019Successful businesses know that having a good product is only part of the battle. Even if you are the best at what you do, that could mean very little if your brand is unable to set itself apart from the competition and capture customers. Positioning your product in the proper market context can help with that.
5 Ways to Decrease Costs for Your Company
02/06/2019With a bit of thought and creativity, you can decrease costs for your business in ways that won’t disrupt your goals or productivity. In fact, careful cost-cutting could even help your company operate more efficiently and serve customers more effectively.
Top Accounting Challenges for Most Businesses
02/04/2019No matter what sector your business is in, proper accounting is crucial to your success. There are a variety of options you can choose from to help you manage your money, but none are completely perfect. Consider these common challenges businesses like yours often face while tracking financial operations and transactions throughout the year.
Podcast - Respecting Your Customers
Going the extra mile for your customers can pay big dividends for your business. In this episode of our podcast, we discuss five of the ways you can keep your customers.
Podcast - Estate Planning with a New Baby
06/15/2016While you may think that estate planning is just about dealing with potential estate taxes, there are several other issues that are perhaps currently more important than potential estate taxes. Caring for your new baby needs to include caring about estate planning.
Note to Homebuyers: A Solid Pre-Approval Letter is Key
04/29/2016With many homes drawing multiple offers within a few days or even just hours after hitting the market, real estate agents are advising would-be buyers to nail down a solid mortgage loan pre-approval before they start looking.
Meeting with a Mortgage Lender
04/03/2015So, you're interested in purchasing a new home. Before congratulations are in order, you have to be approved for a mortgage. They will help you navigate the process.
‘Tis the Season to Shop Securely
11/26/2014With the holiday shopping season in full swing, here is information that will help you stay safe in stores and online.
6 Cybersecurity Tips for Business Owners
03/25/2014If you own a business, your list of stressors is probably vast: Sales, employee turnover, competition — so the last thing you want to worry about is your cybersecurity. Nevertheless, it’s important to establish an official security plan.
What Is Collateral and Why Is It Important?
08/19/2013When buying a home, the collateral is generally the underlying property and its equity. When you make a down payment of at least 20 percent, you create equity immediately that works to offset the lender’s risk. And each month you make a payment, you pay a little bit of the principal back and create even more equity.