Fixed Rate Mortgage Interest Rates

Loan Rate APR Points

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Interest Rates

Loan Rate APR Points

Construction Loan Interest Rates

Loan Rate APR Points

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Rates shown for conventional loans assume a purchase transaction for a single family home located in Wisconsin that will be used as a primary residence for a well-qualified borrower with a credit score of 780 or better, a loan to value of 75%, and loan amount of $225,000. Transaction requires an escrow account and a 45-day rate lock period.
Rates and terms shown are subject to change without notice and the actual annual percentage rate, payments and fees vary based on credit history, credit score, down payment, property types and escrow. Adjustable Rate loan rates are subject to change after the initial fixed rate period. This is not an offer of credit or commitment to lend. Loans are subject to buyer/property qualification and approved credit. Cash reserves may be required for some conventional loans. Information is subject to change. For current rates or fees, estimated loan payments or more information, get a personalized rate quote or contact North Shore Bank to discuss specific situations. Preapprovals are available however they are not guaranteed and may require additional information.