Your home is likely your most significant financial responsibility. From time-to-time, it's wise to periodically revisit your mortgage financing and consider options that may save you money or provide other benefits. Just as mortgage interest rates fluctuate, loan programs can also change. As your financial situation evolves, the best lending option for you today might be different than when you first purchased your home.

Mortgage Loan Products

  • Fixed Rate Mortgage – Find peace of mind knowing that your principal and interest payments will stay the same because the rate and term are locked for the life of your loan.
  • Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) - Reduce your monthly principal and interest payment for the initial period of the loan (1, 2, 3, or 5 years) with an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. Often more flexible, an ARM can be a good option if you have unique income or asset situations when it comes to loan approval.
  • Construction Loans - With an all-in-one construction loan, North Shore Bank makes financing your new home easy while saving you money with just one application, one closing, and one loan. Our team of Mortgage Loan Officers can help you step into the home of your dreams.
  • Jumbo Loans - The size of your mortgage loan shouldn’t limit your options. Unlike other financials, North Shore Bank offers you both fixed and adjustable rate options at low mortgage rates with competitive closing costs.

Before you refinance your home loan, research current rates and see how much you can save with our Refinance Interest Savings CalculatorMeet with a Mortgage Loan Officer in your area to explore your options and find out when to refinance your mortgage.

Getting Started is Easy

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Loan Officer

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