Frequently Asked Questions

I transferred money to/from an external account. How quickly will my transferred funds appear in my account?

When using the personal Mobile App or Online Banking to transfer money to or from an external account, there are two delivery options available:
  • Standard transfers arrive in the receiving account within three business days. Transfer must be initiated by 12:00 am Central Time. For Standard transfers, you will see the debit posted to the account the money is coming from before you see the transferred amount credited to your receiving account.
  • Next-day transfers arrive in the receiving account on the next business day. Transfer must be initiated by 7:00 pm Central Time. You must satisfy certain criteria before having the ability to send inbound and outbound Next-Day transfers. Each account must qualify independently. Next-Day transfer qualifications include:
    • Successful transfers of at least $500, either in one transfer or multiple via Standard delivery
    • Seven days must have passed since the $500 in transfers were completed
    • No negative or non-sufficient funds items in a 3-month period
    • For Next-Day transfers only, 100% of the transaction amount must be available and the minimum available balance in the account must be at least $100