Frequently Asked Questions

What is Extended Debit Card Coverage?

North Shore Bank is required to obtain a one-time authorization from you to authorize and pay overdrafts for North Shore Bank ATM or everyday debit card transactions, and in exchange will charge an overdraft fee for this service. This is referred to as Extended Debit Card Coverage.

If you decline or do not give consent for this coverage, one of the following two events will occur if there are insufficient funds to cover North Shore Bank ATM and everyday debit card transactions:
  • The transaction will be declined.
  • Certain debit card transactions will be paid, but North Shore Bank is not permitted to charge an Overdraft Fee. 

You may change your election at any time by visiting a branch, sending a secure message through Online Banking, or by contacting Customer Support at 877-672-2265.

Learn more about Extended Debit Card Coverage.